
Nursery business in Bangladesh

  October 10, 2023          Nursery business in the nation has turned around in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic as individuals have been more disposed towards green nature subsequent to confronting the staggering impacts of the infection.      Thus, deals of nurseries have expanded throughout recent months contrasted with a similar period last year. Nursery proprietors said the pandemic has been a gift for their business.      The primary Coronavirus case was analyzed in the country on 8 Walk. Then, a cross country broad occasion was pronounced from 26 Walk to 30 May. The quantity of purchasers expanded in the nurseries after the finish of the general occasions.      As per the most recent assessment, there are in excess of 18,000 enlisted nurseries in the country. Furthermore, the interest in this area is more than Tk2,000 crore. Around five lakh individuals are straightforwardly and in a roundabout way en...